Keynote Speakers

Dr. Nicki Newton

Dr. Nicki Newton is an education consultant who works with schools and districts around the United States and Canada on K–8 math curriculum (including best practices, guided math and math centers). She has taught elementary school, middle school, and graduate school. Dr Nicki has an Ed.M. and an Ed.D from the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College, Columbia University, specializing in Teacher Education and Curriculum Development. She is greatly interested in teaching and learning practices around the world and has researched education in Denmark, Guatemala, and India. She has written over 30 books and is an avid pinner, blogger, and tweeter.

Chase Orton

Chase Orton was a high school math teacher for 12 years. In 2012, he ventured out as an independent collaborator for districts and non-profits facilitating workshops, coaching teachers, and writing math curriculum. As an accomplished facilitator of lesson study for K–12 math teachers, Chase currently invests his professional time partnering with districts that are interested in taking a teacher-centered, teacher-directed approach to professional development. His first book, The Imperfect and Unfinished Math Teacher: A Journey to Reclaim Our Professional Growth, was published in February of 2022 by Corwin Press. An aspiring storyteller, Chase lives on the road in “Stoop”—his custom tiny home on wheels—and is currently collecting stories from math teachers all over the country.